After installing June 2023 CU for SharePoint Server 2019 creating or updating list items in modern experience was no longer possible for lists and document libraries which contain hyperlink or picture columns.
August 2023 CU for SharePoint Server 2019 fixes this issue:
Thank you very much, Stefan & Group!
Not sure this issue is limited to what you’ve specified – I’ve been trying to add a column to a list, update the view, add records to the same list, no changes were being saved. The only way I was able to save the updates was by switching to Classic.
Hi Anthony,
this sounds like a different issue.
The problem was not about saving the values – it was about even being able to enter content into the fields as they were not showing up correctly in modern UI.
Please open a ticket to get this investigated if you need help for this.
Hi Stefan, Can you speak to the issues related to KB5002422, KB5002398, ? What is an unsafe property name? When can we expect a fix? Thanks!
Hi Colleen, this applies to custom web parts if they use non-standard properties.
It is recommended to evaluate the fix in a test environment which resembles the production environment against all business critical functions to ensure that no problems occur as SharePoint fixes cannot be uninstalled.
If problems are identified during the testing either the developer has to change the web part or the identified properties need to be enabled using the steps in the KB article.
Hi Stefan,
My dev environment is currently on 16.0.10378.20002 (September 2021). Would I be able to install the August 2023 CU?
Also, if I were to install the July 2023 path instead, would that bring the same issue editing list items as the June CU?
Thank you 🙂
Hi Nathalie,
the answer is Yes to both questions.