Recently I got involved in an interesting Support case where the application pool of a SharePoint web application recycled unexpectedly. During Analysis it became clear that the problem occurred due to a web.config setting which configured a custom error page for http 500 status code:     <httpErrors errorMode=”Custom” existingResponse=”Auto”>      <remove statusCode=”500″ subStatusCode=”-1″ />      <error statusCode=”500″ […]

Yesterday a colleague (Patrick Heyde) solved an interesting problem with MOSS 2007 and IIS 7 related to content deployment.  Some background infos: Content Deployment in MOSS 2007 first exports all content to the file system as XML and binary files and afterwards packages these files into cab files which then get uploaded through http to the […]

A question we have often seen in the past is to have a method to prevent IIS from sending the server identification header to a client which allows a client to identify which type of http server it is talking too. Usually this request comes from security concerns as knowing the server would allow a […]