The product group released the December 2018 Cumulative Update for SharePoint Server 2016 product family. Be aware that only a language independent fix was released with September 2018 CU. The latest language dependent fix was released with October 2018 CU.
This CU also includes Feature Pack 1 which was released with December 2016 CU and Feature Pack 2 which was released with September 2017 CU.
The KB articles for December 2018 CU are available at the following location:
- KB 4461541 – December 2018 Update for SharePoint Server 2016 (language independent) – This is also a security update!
- There was no language dependent fix released for SharePoint 2016 in December.
- KB 4011027 – December 2018 Update for Office Online Server – This is also a security update!
The download for December 2018 CU is available through the following link:
- Download December 2018 Update for SharePoint Server 2016 (language independent) – This is also a security update!
- There was no language dependent fix released for SharePoint 2016 in December.
- Download December 2018 Update for Office Online Server – This is also a security update!
Important: It is required to install both fixes (language dependent and independent) to fully patch a SharePoint server. This applies also to servers which do not have language packs installed. The reason is that each SharePoint installation includes a language dependent component together with a language independent component. If additional language packs are added later (only) the language dependent fix has to be applied again.
It is irrelevant which language you pick on the drop down in download center. Even the language dependent fixes are all in the same package for all languages.
After installing the fixes you need to run the SharePoint 2016 Products Configuration Wizard on each machine in the farm. If you prefer to run the command line version psconfig.exe ensure to have a look here for the correct options.
SharePoint 2016 December 2018 CU Build Numbers:
Language independent fix: 16.0.4783.1000
To understand the different version numbers please have a look at my article which explains the different SharePoint build numbers.
You can use the SharePoint Server 2016 Patch Build Numbers Powershell Module to identify the patch level of all SharePoint components.
Related Links:
- Technet: Updated Product Servicing Policy for SharePoint Server 2016
- Blog: Common Question: What is the difference between a PU, a CU and a COD?
- Blog: SharePoint Patching demystified
- Blog: December 2018 Office Update Release
- Technet: Update Center for Microsoft Office, Office Servers, and Related Products
- Blog: SharePoint Server 2016 Patch Build Numbers Powershell Module
- Blog: SharePoint Server 2016 Zero-Downtime Patching Demystified
- Blog: SharePoint does not have a build version. Full Stop.
Hi Stefan ,
Recommendation is to Apply both “language independent” and “Dependent” patch , However when I go through these patches sometime there is No language dependent patch. Our 2016 Environment is at June , 2018 Patch level and were Wondering if we can Apply Dec patch which is just “Language Independent fix ”
Also , Wondering if there is any baseline When “Language independent ” fix applies and when Not (Meaning, Does your Farm need to be at Certain Patch level/Build to apply just “Language independent” fix ?
Hi Mohanghimire,
in this case you should to install the latest available language dependent fix which is the one from October 2018 CU.
The OOS download link points to the 2019 OOS patch,
OOS only exists in one version which can be used with SP2016 and SP2019.
But when I run it, it tells me “The expected version of the product was not found on the system.”
This is for a SharePoint and OOS 2016 installation.
Any update on this? I’m still getting “the expected version of the product was not found on the system” when trying to update a 2016 OOS with the patch listed above.
Hi Mike,
I’m waiting for a follow up from a colleague doing OOS support right now.
As I’m not supporting this product I don’t have all the details.
It seems as if the patch requires a different OOS baseline and indeed cannot be installed on top of older OOS Servers.
I’m having the same issue. There is, however, a new release of OOS this month.
Going from past experience, I presume that this needs to be installed as new baseline: Office Online Server (Last updated November 2018)
Is this an update for a version of Office Online 2019 server?
Your link for the OOS points to
which downloads
This seems to be an update for the OOS-2019
I can’t seem to find this version of the OOS, and the above mentioned update is not applicable for OOS-2016…
Is there a version 2019 of the OOS?
Can’t find it either…
kind regards,
Hi Bart,
yes this is for Office Online Server 2019.
You should be able to find it on VLSC.
Hi Stefan,
Is Office Online Server 2019 compatable with SharePoint 2016? I can´t seem to find this information anywhere.
I guess they just decided to bump up the version in the name and is still just another new baseline version?
Hi Stefan – We are at RTM level and planning for an update to get SPFx feature within our SharePoint 2016. Need your kind advice on which would be the stable version? Also, I see Jan, 2019 CU is availbale but doesn’t include language dependent fix. So in this case, can I still install Jan, 2019 update with Oct, 2018 language dependent update, will this work? Please advice me the best. Much appreciated.
Hi Samir,
RTM is unsupported since 9 months already! You should upgrade asap to get on a supported patch Level.
See here for details:
Yes, you can install the language dependent fix from October 2018 with the language independent fix from January 2019.
Hi Stefan,
Thank you so much for the kind reply. I’m a begginer and just have a small concern, these update will not cause any issue on my existing working environment – right? Could you please suggest me for a safe update process. You’re help is much appreciated.
Best Regards,
Hi Samir,
fixes change the behavior of the product – usually to the better but it depends on each individual system.
As you cannot uninstall SharePoint fixes it is important to evaluate the fixes in a test environment which resembles the production environment.