June 2023 CU for SharePoint Server 2016 is available for download

The product group released the June 2023 Cumulative Update for SharePoint Server 2016 product family.

This CU also includes Feature Pack 1 which was released with December 2016 CU and Feature Pack 2 which was released with September 2017 CU.

The KB articles for June 2023 CU should be available at the following locations in a couple of hours:

  • KB 5002404 – June 2023 Update for SharePoint Server 2016 (language independent)
    This is also a security update!
  • There was no language dependent fix released this month.
    The most recent language dependent fix is KB 5002370 from April 2023 CU.

The downloads for June 2023 CU are available through the following links:

Important: It is required to install both fixes (language dependent and independent) to fully patch a SharePoint server. This applies also to servers which do not have language packs installed. The reason is that each SharePoint installation includes a language dependent component together with a language independent component. If additional language packs are added later (only) the language dependent fix has to be applied again.

It is irrelevant which language you pick on the drop down in download center. Even the language dependent fixes are all in the same package for all languages.

After installing the fixes you need to run the SharePoint 2016 Products Configuration Wizard on each machine in the farm. If you prefer to run the command line version psconfig.exe ensure to have a look here for the correct options.

SharePoint 2016 June 2023 CU Build Numbers:

Language independent fix: 16.0.5400.1001

To understand the different version numbers please have a look at my article which explains the different SharePoint build numbers.

Please ensure to have a look at the SharePoint Patching Best Practices before applying new fixes.

Related Links:


    1. Thanks Samson!
      I will pass the feedback to the appropriate team.


        1. Hi Samson, I reported the issue – I assume it will take a couple of days to get it fixed.


  1. Hey Stefan, a question here: Whenever Microsoft releases monthly updates, KB articles give two different download links/files by using the terms “Method 2: Microsoft Update Catalog” and “Method 3: Microsoft Download Center”. For example, for the June CU that got released yesterday for SharePoint 2016 (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/5002404), Method 2 downloads “sts-x-none_79308c9757a3a2b1cab2bd76c63befb5fe0b9f8a.cab” and Method 3 downloads “sts2016-kb5002404-fullfile-x64-glb.exe” from different MS download sites. I’ve been always using the .exe files for SharePoint, but for last month’s CU (May CU), I used the .cab file for the first time and got an “access denied” error on a .dll in the middle of installation. When I extracted the both files, they both had two files: sts-x-none.msp and sts-x-none.xml. Size of .msp was exactly the same between the two and .xml was slightly different but no real changes in the content. My suspicion is that because .msp file does not give the “Run as administrator” menu option (instead it shows “Apply”), I get the error. How do I run the .cab file successfully?


      1. Thanks for the link. However, just found out that executing the extracted sts-x-none.msp from an elevated PowerShell Windows completed the installation successfully (but didn’t give any confirmation at the end).


        1. Hi Samson,
          thats correct. The result code (success/failure) is usually evaluated by the executable launching the msp files. For a language dependent fix you would find several dozend msp files included in the cab – so not something you would like to do manually.


  2. Dear all,

    before installing the updates for SharePoint 2016 OnPrem for June 2023, logon to SharePoint worked this way:

    User opens a SharePoint site, he has access to with the account he is loggend on in his Windows: site opens automatically under MS Windows/Edge & Chrome.
    User opens a SharePoint site, he has no access to with the account he is loggend on in his Windows: site does not open, but the user will see the “Windows Security” dialogue with “Sign in to access this site” to use another account. This is helpful because some users have multiple/different accounts and also we as administrators do no use our every day-account for admin purposes.

    After installing the updates from 06/2023 this week:

    User opens a SharePoint site, he has no access to with the account he is loggend on in his Windows: Error message “Sorry, this site hasn’t been shared with you”, but no option to use a different account and no “Windows Security” dialogue.

    psconfig runs without errors, last language pack that has been installed was the one from 04/2023, in 05+06/2023 there was no language pack, just the update, so we installed the update only and ran psconfig with no errors.

    Any idea?


  3. Hello Stefan,

    I’ve been testing updating a test farm with the June SharePoint 2016 CU (5002404) and used the latest April 2023 CU (KB5002370).

    -After initially running these updates and running PSConfigUI, it stopped and gave me an error regarding the Social Database: (Found it in the log) “Number of user defined objects dropped incorrectly” Then it ended.

    -The account I was running PSconfig with didn’t have proper permissions on some of the databases, so I fixed that. It appears they changed. I fixed that, then ran PSConfig again and it completed successfully. But I ran it from the command line this time. All successes and no errors. Have you seen anything like that before? Thanks,


    1. Hi Jesse,
      no I have not seen that behavior.


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