Yesterday the the public preview of the next on-premises version of SharePoint Server (SharePoint Server Subscription Edition) has been announced.
An overview of the new and improved features can be found in the following article:
New and improved features in SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
Some highlights:
- OpenID Connect (OIDC 1.0) support
- Enhanced People Picker for modern authentication
- Upgrade possible from SharePoint Server 2016(!) and 2019
- Federated service applications support “N – 2” content farms (SharePoint 2016, 2019, and Subscription Edition)
- Support for Windows Server Core
- TLS 1.3 support
- Accessibility improvements across modern UX
- …
You can download the public preview from here:
- SharePoint Server Subscription Edition Public Preview
- Language Packs for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition Public Preview
For more details check the official announcement on the official Microsoft SharePoint Blog:
I am curious if infopath 2013 will still work with the new On-Prem Subscription Edition. What is the next best alternative to creating good-looking, user-friendly forms?
I found SharePoint server subscription edition deprecated and removed features page and there is no mention that InfoPath has been removed.
Therefore, since InfoPath 2013 is the latest client released, it has to be still supported.
Hi Stefan, is there any information as to when we can expect the release?
Hi Christoph,
the release date has not yet been announced.
Hi Stefan,
there are info about the workflows engine that will be available in the SharePoint Server Subscription Edition? SharePoint 2010 WFs? 2013? Power Automate?
Hi Marco,
I’m not in the position to announce anything – but you can just download, install and test the preview to get an idea.
Hi, WF 2010 is still there, but deprecated. Therefore 2013 is also still available for SSSE.
It says in documentation that the picture previews will be introduced. However, picture previews are implemented in SP 2019 already, since CU 2020 Nov.
Honestly, I am disappointed. I like that direct upgrade is possible, support of TLS 1.3, but these are infrastructure features… I would expect much more (at least few!!!!!) features that we all know from SharePoint Online..In short – anything for end users.