The product group released the October 2019 Cumulative Update for SharePoint Server 2019 product family. SharePoint Server 2019 is patched with a language dependent and a language independent fix.
The KB article for October 2019 CU will be available at the following Location in a couple of hours:
- KB 4484110 – October 2019 Update for SharePoint Server 2019 (language independent) – This is also a security update!
- KB 4484109 – October 2019 Update for SharePoint Server 2019 (language dependent)
The download for October 2019 CU is available through the following link:
- Download October 2019 Update for SharePoint Server 2019 (language independent) – This is also a security update!
- Download October 2019 Update for SharePoint Server 2019 (language dependent)
Important: It is required to install both fixes (language dependent and independent) to fully patch a SharePoint server. This applies also to servers which do not have language packs installed. The reason is that each SharePoint installation includes a language dependent component together with a language independent component. If additional language packs are added later (only) the language dependent fix has to be applied again.
It is irrelevant which language you pick on the drop down in download center. Even the language dependent fixes are all in the same package for all languages.
After installing the fixes you need to run the SharePoint 2019 Products Configuration Wizard on each machine in the farm. If you prefer to run the command line version psconfig.exe ensure to have a look here for the correct options.
SharePoint 2019 October 2019 CU Build Number:
Language independent fix: 16.0.10351.20000
Language dependent fix: 16.0.10351.20000
Related Links:
- Technet: Updated Product Servicing Policy for SharePoint Server 2019
- Blog: SharePoint Patching demystified
- Technet: Update Center for Microsoft Office, Office Servers, and Related Products
- Blog: SharePoint Server 2016 Zero-Downtime Patching Demystified (applies also to SharePoint Server 2019)
- Blog: SharePoint does not have a build version. Full Stop.
Hi Stefan,
I’m having trouble downloading the SP2019 and SP2016 Cu’s. Is there a problem with the link or is the update retracted?
Hi Ruud,
neither of these. I just tested them and they are downloading fine for me.
Seems to be an issue on your end.
My organization installed Sharepoint 2019 with version 16.0.10337.12109. Today based on the information windows server update provided, it only shows KB4484110 and KB4464557 patches need to be installed. We never updated previous packages which was released once per month since Nov, 2018. My questions is that those two packages include previous rollup patches? Or need to install previous package as well? Thanks.
Hi Tiegang,
all previous fixes are included. No need to install anything older.
But instead of 4464557 you should install 4484109 to ensure that both components are on the same patch level.
Hi Stefan,
We are trying to configure a SharePoint Server 2019 on-premise application for our intranet but are running into authentication issues( We have updated the latest patch).
The authentication popup login appears when loading each page in the following situations:
1. If the user only has access to a sub site but not to the site collection and the sub site is a modern page
2. Or a page has anonymous access and an anonymous user is trying to access a modern page
In the first case:
Site Collection: Departments
SubSite1: Administration SubSite2: Faculties Subsite3: Students
Let’s say, we want studentA to have a read permission to “Subsite3: Students page”. If I only give studentA read permission to Subsite3, then studentA gets the login popup when trying to access Subsite3. However, if I assign studentA read permission to the Departments site collection, then studentA can access Subsite3 without getting the login popup, but in this case studentA also gets access to Subsite2 and Subsite3 which we do not want.
In the second case of the anonymous user – when I try to load the page, the page does not fully load and waits for authentication. Weirdly, the more I try to cancel out of the authentication popup, different pieces of the page will incrementally load; however, I am never successfully able to exit out of the authentication popup and my only option is to close the web browser.
I’m just wondering whether other people has reported similar issue. Or might we configured incorrectly? Or Sharepoint 2019 on-premise has this bug? Thanks.