MCMS not supported with Team Foundation Server

A couple of customers reported problems when using the Source Control feature in VS.NET 2005 of Team Foundation Server to check in files.

The MCMS product team has investigated this issue and identified this as a design limitation. MCMS 2002 was not designed to work with Team Foundation Server. MCMS 2002 was released several years earlier than TFS. Adding integration support at this stage would involve substantial code revision, representing a scope of risk that exceeds that which is suitable for a hotfix.

CMS and TFS can be used independently when they are both installed. However, the two products cannot be used together.

919913 – Error message when you try to use Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server to check in files on a computer that is running Content Management Server 2002: “Unable to cast object of type”

See here for a workaround:

How to get MCMS 2002 SP2, VS.NET 2005 and Team Foundation Server working together


  1. Hi Stefan,

    Can you clarify what the issue is here – CMS templates are just ASPX and ASPX.CS files… just like normal web projects. Why would there be any issues checking them in? Or have I missed the point of the post – are you talking about installing MCMS on the same physical server as TFS?



  2. Hi Ben,

    you will see the following error message:

    [Microsoft Visual Studio]

    Unable to cast object of type ‘Microsoft.ContentManagement.DeveloperTools.VisualStudio.Documents.TemplateExplorerDocument’ to type ‘Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsHierarchy’.

    As you can see the MCMS template explorer code is incompatible with the method used by the check-in function of TFS.




  3. Ah, that clarifies it. Another workaround then would be to use the standalone Template Explorer tool, and remove the csproj file setting which makes the project a MCMS project? [i.e. just have it as a normal web project].


  4. Yes, that should do the job.


  5. As I dicussed earlier MCMS is not supported with Team Foundation Server. The reason is that the developer…


  6. The other workaround is to close the solution and then check in files – works fine, but you will have limited use of TFS policies.

    The "standalone" CMS template explorer is the best workaround – it also has the benefit that when you are waiting the 5 minutes for the explorer to expand the node you can still be coding 😉


  7. Another WA. If you close the solution and then use pending check-in’s. You can check-in the site.


  8. As I dicussed earlier MCMS is not supported with Team Foundation Server. The reason is that the developer


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