MCMS Site Deployment API does not have a method to export Resource Galleries. Only resources (and related galleries) which are bound to an exported posting can be exported using the API. A workaround for this is to create a helper posting that links to all resource gallery items which should be exported. After the export is […]

The HtmlPlaceholderControl shipped with MCMS is often not satisfying for users. Microsoft now sponsors the powerful Telerik r.a.d. editor control. See here for details:

Microsoft® Solution for Internet Business (MSIB) is an integrated solution that uses high-quality Microsoft® Windows Server System™ servers to provide end-to-end processes and features for sophisticated Internet sites. Overview MSIB addresses emerging business models that have evolved from relatively simple structures of linked HTML pages to complex, feature-rich applications. MSIB provides content management, automates business […]

Have some of you have also been bothered by the fact that MCMS does not provide an enumeration method for Posting and Channel properties? Or for some of the other MCMS objects like Resources, Resource Galleries, Template or Template Galleries? Such a feature would be pretty interesting if you (e.g.) create a generic server or […]

I have seen several posts in the newsgroup where people suggested to use the DataSource.RawContent property to access the content of a placeholder. This method is highly not recommended! It completly bypasses the internal processing if the actual placeholder implementation which means that the content received relies on the current implementation of the placeholder. If […]

Today I played around a little bit more with HttpModules and implemented a more elegant solution for the problem as discussed in my previous post. Especially the second problem – normal postback caused by ASP.NET controls – was not properly solved as it required to do the modification on every template file. Using an HttpModule avoids this overhead. Here […]