When developing a public facing website using the publishing features of MOSS it might be required to emit a ROBOTS meta tag that prevents internet search engines from indexing specific pages. The standard RobotsMetaTag control included in WSS generates the following tag: <META NAME=”ROBOTS” CONTENT=”NOHTMLINDEX”> Unfortunatelly most search engines do not understand the NOHTMLINDEX content […]

We had a big number of cases where customers reported the following pattern: Event ID 7076 – Office SharePoint Server “Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is  often an indication that other memory is corrupt. ”  “System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This  is often an indication that other memory is […]

I have seens this problem a couple of times in the past: sometimes when running incremental content deployment the deployment job fails with the following error message The changeToken refers to a time before the start of the current change log. To make a long story short: to resolve the problem you should do a full […]

A question we have often seen in the past is to have a method to prevent IIS from sending the server identification header to a client which allows a client to identify which type of http server it is talking too. Usually this request comes from security concerns as knowing the server would allow a […]

Database Maintenance for Microsoft® SharePoint® Products and Technologies Summary:This paper describes the recommended maintenance strategies for the databases that host content and configuration settings for SharePoint Products and Technologies. Link, http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=111531&clcid=0x409 Abstract: This white paper provides information and guidelines for maintaining the databases that host Microsoft® SharePoint® Products and Technologies data and configurations. It describes and […]

As some of you already noticed: GotDotNet is now down and the code samples previously hosted there have been migrated to the MSDN code gallery. For your convenience here are links to all my code samples: SharePoint  Powershell Script to identify the patch baseline for SharePoint and language packsThis script retrieves the version information for […]

A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article which explains how to deal with memory pressure situations in MOSS/WSS. Roger Lamb has now created an article which discusses one of the issues – missing Dispose() or Close() for SPWeb, SPSite and PublishingWeb objects. When to dispose and when not to dispose can be confusing […]