The SingleImagePlaceholderControl and SingleAttachmentPlaceholderControl have a small bug: they render a link to an image named transparent.jpg in the current directory. As this is only a cosmetic bug that causes 404 errors in the IIS log this bug will not be fixed in a hotfix. As this is still an anoying problem for some users […]

A couple of weeks ago someone asked the question on the public newsgroup on how to verify a given posting name using regular expressions. Here is a solution for this problem: public bool CheckName(string name) {     // test for other characters as the ones in the list     Regex regEx1 = new Regex(@”[^A-Z0-9 _\-().]”, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);     // test for double ‘.’     Regex regEx2 = new Regex(@”\.{2}”, RegexOptions.None);     // test for ‘.’ at the end     Regex regEx3 = new Regex(@”[\.]$”, RegexOptions.None);         string Name = txtName.Text.Trim();     Match match1 = regEx1.Match(Name);     Match match2 = regEx2.Match(Name);     Match match3 = regEx3.Match(Name);     // valid = no invalid chars, no double dot, no dot at the end     bool valid = !match1.Success && !match2.Success && !match3.Success;      return valid;}

David Wang provided a nice article on diagnosing 401 errors. This article is also very useful to analyze MCMS problems when guest access does not work even if the guest account is correctly configured in MCMS. HOWTO Diagnose IIS 401 Access Denied

Themes are a very nice feature in ASP.NET 2.0 to allow personalization and customization of a site very easily. Even without recompile an web administrator would be able to change the look and feel of a site completly by just changing the theme in the web.config (e.g.). So it would be great if you could […]

Once in a while the question how to strip <p> and <span> tags in empty placeholders comes up in the newsgroup. A solution would be to implement a custom placeholder control that removes these tags or a workflow event. The simplest solution is a workflow event to do this. This event would have to check […]

A couple of weeks ago I had the requirement to enable ASP.NET output caching programmatically rather than declarative using the <%@ OutputCache … %> tag. I tried to follow the hints in the following KB: Actually what I found is that these procedure do not really work as expected. Especially the following in which I […]

[via CMSWire and Andrew Connell] Packt Publishing hit a home run with the last Microsoft CMS (MCMS) book, Building Websites with Microsoft Content Management Server. The same team of star authors is now working on the next one, entitled Advanced Microsoft Content Management Server Development…. The last bit of the article states: There’s also a dash of […]

I did some more hands on labs on ASP.NET 2.0. Later I went to the IIS 7 preview session. This was really a highlight! IIS 7 looks to become a really great product: all configuration for as well managed and unmanaged stuff is now done in the web.config. It is possible to delegate administrative tasks […]

I did some hands on labs on ASP.NET 2.0 and attended a session about asynchronous pages in ASP.NET 2.0. Dmitry (the speaker) showed various different methods on how to implement asynchronous pages: parallel, serial, with and without timeout… It was really a great session full of useful information! Dmitry also published the sample code used […]

Microsoft has just published the chapter “Enhancing performance with Caching” of the MCMS book Building Websites with Microsoft Content Management Server from Joel, Mei Ying and myself on MSDN: