A couple of weeks ago someone asked the question on the public newsgroup on how to verify a given posting name using regular expressions. Here is a solution for this problem: public bool CheckName(string name) { // test for other characters as the ones in the list Regex regEx1 = new Regex(@”[^A-Z0-9 _\-().]”, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // test for double ‘.’ Regex regEx2 = new Regex(@”\.{2}”, RegexOptions.None); // test for ‘.’ at the end Regex regEx3 = new Regex(@”[\.]$”, RegexOptions.None); string Name = txtName.Text.Trim(); Match match1 = regEx1.Match(Name); Match match2 = regEx2.Match(Name); Match match3 = regEx3.Match(Name); // valid = no invalid chars, no double dot, no dot at the end bool valid = !match1.Success && !match2.Success && !match3.Success; return valid;}