Stefan Goßner

Session Title Description Date Content and Process Fusion with Content Management Server and SharePoint Portal Server   In this webcast Teamplate will provide a live demo on their Teamplate for .NET application for designing, developing, and implementing workflow scenarios for publishing content through Content Management Server and SharePoint™ Portal Server. Teamplate will demonstrate how […]

I often received request from customers whether the tree view or list view elements can be sorted by default. And also about complains about the fact that the default for the number of items being displayed in List View always defaults to 5 items. This is not very comfortable. To address these questions I sat down […]

ASP.NET output caching is a mandatory feature for all high performance Web sites. MCMS extends the ASP.NET output caching to allow caching of content based on (e.g.) the Posting and User Context. To allow this MCMS adds new token strings which can be configured using the VaryByCustom property of the OutputCache directive. Here are some samples […]

MCMS 2002 only offers you the login of the current user. Not the Name or Email address. In some situations – like Email notification – it is necessary to get the Email address and other information which is stored in Active Directory. The sample code below allows to read this information from Active Directory. You […]

The publishing API for MCMS 2002 has several design limitations. A workaround for one of these design limiations will be discussed in this article. The API contains a method to create a new channel but it is missing the functionality to also create custom properties in a channel. This is even more worth due to […]

BMP files are valid files when using Internet Explorer. But most other browser types are not able to display BMP files correct. So – in an Internet scenario – it is a good idea to prevent that BMP files can be uploaded to the MCMS Repository There are two things to consider: upload as a […]

Hi all, the legal issues with my MCMS website are now resolved and the FAQ page is up again! Together with Steve Cawood I have managed to develop a downloadable CHM version beside the standard Html version. You should check out both and decide which one to use. Both versions will be updated frequently. Link […]

In Webauthor when a new window opens (e.g. Resource Manager) the positioning and size of the window causes the lower right edge of the window to be out of the screen when Internet Explorer is run in Fullscreen mode. To solve this this issue you need to modify some lines of code in the following […]

I received lots of questions in the past about problems with workflow events. To understand what can be done in a workflow event it is helpful to know the sequence the events are fired during save, approve and any other action. The code below can be added to the global.asax.cs and will then track all workflow […]

MCMS 2002 offers a great flexibility and extensibility due to integration in the .NET framework and the ability to create custom console actions, rich controls and most important: custom placeholder controls. MCMS 2002 already ships with 3 placeholder controls: HtmlPlaceholderControl SingleImagePlaceholderControl SingleAttachmentPlaceholderControl These placeholder control do not always meet the requirements of all users. But […]

When using an Frame or an IFRAME on a MCMS2002 template you will experience a strange problem when switching to authoring mode: You will receive a Javascript ‘permission denied’ error. This is a small issue in the coding of Console.js causing a Cross-Site-Scripting issue in framed sites.  When switching between presentation and authoring mode Webauthor trys […]