September 2024 CU for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition is available for download

The product group released the September 2024 Cumulative Update for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition.

Monthly SharePoint Server Subscription edition updates are released as a single unified “uber” package containing both the language independent and language dependent fixes. Language independent and language dependent fixes will no longer be released separately. This is similar to the full server packages released for SharePoint 2013.

The KB article for September 2024 CU will be available at the following location in a couple of hours:

  • KB 5002640 – September 2024 Update for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition
    This is also a security update!

The download for September 2024 CU is available through the following link:

It is irrelevant which language you pick on the drop down in download center. It will always download the same package.

After installing the fix you need to run the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard on each machine in the farm. If you prefer to run the command line version psconfig.exe ensure to have a look here for the correct options.

Please ensure to have a look at the SharePoint Patching Best Practices before applying new fixes.
SharePoint Server Subscription Edition September 2024 CU Build Number: 16.0.17928.20086
Important: To minimize the installation time for SharePoint Server Subscription Edition Fixes, please follow the guidance in the following article: Solving the extended install time for SPSE CUs

Related Links:


  1. On the June 2024 CU there was a “High CPU consumption” issue fixed, and that fix was caused by the September 2023 CU. Now in September 2024 CU there is another high CPU usage fix.
    What is this one about? Does it mean the Sept2023 issue was not completely fix by the Jun2024? Or is this a distinct issue?


    1. Hi Andre,
      this is a different issue.


  2. I don’t see a fix for the upload from Office client JavaScript issue. Does anyone know if this has been fixed as well?


    1. Hi Martijn,
      the issue has NOT been fixed in September CU.
      The fix for the Javascript issue is planned to be included in October 2024 CU.


  3. Hi Stefan,

    After installing Sept 2024 CU, 2010 workflows stopped on our systems. On our test and PROD system as well.

    Republish not working, “Unexpected error on server associating the workflow” Error were found when compiling the workflow.

    Run fails with “Failed on Start”

    2013 workflows running properly.


    1. Hi Zoltán,
      please check the known issues section of September CU – it lists that issue including a workaround.


      1. Hi Stefan,

        I missed that information in the known issues section.

        Thank you very much. It fixed our issue.


        1. Great! Thanks for the confirmation! 🙂


  4. Hi Stefan,
    After installing September 2024 CU on different SharePoint versions (SE, 2019, 2016), we found issue with serialization of List of SafeControls on Classic WebPart.
    In CU release notes, there is known issue for IDictionary types serialization, but is there a workaround for generic Lists?

    Following error message can be found in ULS after navigating to page with classic webpart, which is not rendered.
    ‘Getting Error Message for Exception System.ArgumentException: The serialized data is invalid. —> Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SafeControls+UnsafeControlException: The control type ‘System.Collections.Generic.List1[[Our.Custom.DLL.Formatting.ViewFieldData, Our.Custom.DLL, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=XXX]]' is not allowed on this page.
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.SPSerializationBinder.IsAllowedType(Type type) .....

    I’ve ensured that given type is registered as safe in SafeControls in web.config, and it worked on previous SP CU. Installation of latest Language pack patch did also not change anything.

    I’ve found a workaround for rendering unsafe controls (changing ControlCompactMode to true in SafeMode in web config), but it’s a little not secure.

    Best Regards,


    1. Hi Marcin,
      it might be that you are running into a side effect of one of the security fixes we released with August CU.
      It prevents the usage of the SafeControls list in certain situations.
      Please open a support case with Microsoft to ensure that we can investigate the issue and if required get guidance from the product group.


  5. I’m running into the dreaded:

    Error encountered when creating uri from baseUrl /_layouts/15/next/odspnext/

    After applying the latest patch in my DEV environment, the Contents is blank. Oddly enough, for only one (the main) web application. It works fine in the others.

    Just to be sure, since it is easy enough, I removed SharePoint from the front-ends and re-installed everything from scratch (SharePoint + Latest CU). But this did not fix the problem.

    Normally, it is an incomplete patch (missing Language pack) but now we have a combined one. Anyone else running into this issue?


    1. Just a follow-up with solution (in case anyone else runs into this)

      Since it was only affecting ONE web application, went down that path. Possible corrupt Web Application?

      Created a new Web Application and added my root site (dismount / mount).

      That worked!

      Once I dismounted the rest of the databases and added them to the new Web Application, everything seems to be working on all site collections in the Web Application.


  6. Hi Stefan,
    After installing Sept CU a few of our users have reported that menu item “Exit quick edit” have disappeared. The command bar is just empty and our support team also discovered that “Export to Excel” was missing before entering quick edit mode. This issue is consistent on all lists/sites, and also on different farms with same CU. On a farm that we have with may CU it works as expected for the same user. We have cleared browser cache, restarted PC, but it does not help. Also, looking at the page source, the menu item is there but display:none is for some reason added to it.

    Have you heard of similar issues or any idea of what might be causing this?


    1. Hi Johan,
      I haven’t heard about this and would suggest to open a support case with Microsoft to get this investigated.


    2. If anyone else readning this has the same issue, we have idenitfied/reproduced the problem and it has to do with a combination of display scaling in Windows and zoom-setting in browser.

      It sounds like the December CU released yesterday has a fix for this:
      Fixes an issue in which UI elements of the command bar disappear when you zoom in or zoom out the browser.


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