June 2016 CU for SharePoint Server 2016 is available for download

The product group released the June 2016 Cumulative Update for SharePoint Server 2016 product family.
The KB articles for June 2016 CU are available at the following location:

  • KB 3115181 – Update for SharePoint Server 2016 June 2016 (language independent)
  • KB 3115184 – Update for SharePoint Server 2016 June 2016 (language dependent fixes)
  • KB 3115134 – Update for Office Online Server 2016 June 2016

The download for June 2016 CU is available through the following link:

It is irrelevant which language you pick on the drop down in download center. Even the language dependent fixes are all in the same package for all languages.
After installing the fixes you need to run the SharePoint 2016 Products Configuration Wizard on each machine in the farm. If you prefer to run the command line version psconfig.exe ensure to have a look here for the correct options.
SharePoint 2016 June 2016 CU Build Number: 16.0.4393.1000
The language independent Fix updates the configuration database schema version to the number above.
You can use the SharePoint Server 2016 Patch Build Numbers Powershell Module to identify the patch level of all SharePoint components.
Related Links:


  1. Hi Stefan,
    is there a reason why you no longer put language independent and language dependent files in one Uber-package?
    Thanks, Markus


    1. Hi Markus,
      the number of packages is much smaller (only 2) compared to dozends of packages in 2010 and 2013.
      Missing a package is more unlikely through this as you only have to keep track of 2 packages.


    1. Hi Piotr,
      from my understanding you need to do a full crawl.


  2. Hi,
    Interesting that the in KB3115181, it says “Schema management UI doesn’t list crawled or managed properties.” while the actual issue is that PowerShell is not showing crawled properties (https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/749301b1-c798-4d39-8cf0-5698603c1d26/crawled-properties-not-shown-via-powershell?forum=SP2016), while UI is showing them just fine. Let’s see if it still fixes the actual issue.
    Another thing, any idea what “upgrade” means in same KB: “Note Upgrade of Search Service Application […] required for the fix to take effect.”?


    1. Great, looks like the Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataCrawledProperty now properly returns crawled properties although the KB description is incorrect.


      1. But Search Crawl is no longer working, apparently because I woult need to figure out how to “upgrade” my Search Service Application.


      2. Hi,
        I still have the problem that I can’t fetch crawled properties with PowerShell. They are visible in the UI but no trace of them in the database or through PowerShell. I have even recreated the Search Service Applicaiton. Did you have to do anyting else in order to fix this problem?
        Thanks in advance!


        1. Hi,
          could you solve this error? We are still facing this issue even though we are on Jan 2017 CU.


  3. Hi Stefan,
    are the listed download the cumulative updates or just the individual fixes?
    I.e. to get my 2016 farm fully updated, do I just have to install the 2 listed June updates (as with CUs), or will I have to install the April and May updates as well to avoid missing components (as with individual fixes)?
    Thank you and kind regards,


    1. Hi Adrian,
      all SharePoint fixes are cumulative.


      1. Thank you, cheers! No more hand picking individual hotfixes.


  4. Hi Stefan,
    I noticed that the June 2016 CU is smaller than the May 2016 CU. If I am doing a new install of SP 2016, do I need to install the April and May updates to be up to date? Thanks is advance


    1. Hi Joe,
      I’m not sure what you mean.
      May CU:
      sts2016-…exe: 195476016 bytes
      wssloc2016-…exe: 370110112 bytes
      June CU:
      sts2016-…exe: 285612864 bytes
      wssloc2016-…exe: 405628104 bytes
      So both files are bigger in June than in May.


  5. Hi, I still have the problem that I can’t fetch crawled properties with PowerShell. Installed new SP2016 Farm with CU JUN 2016. Reset Index several with Full Crawl several times no success. Did anyone succeed after JUN 2016 CU ?
    Thks and best rgds,


  6. I am facing the same issue even after updating June CU, Restarting the Box, Provisioning a new Search Service Application and restarting the search services.
    using “Get-SPEnterpriseSearchMetadataCrawledProperty” returns only the Out of the Box “Default” properties, and all the custom crawled porpoerties properties are not listed, although all the custom crawled properties are listed in the Search Schema UI page in Search Administration, Anyone could help or point what I may be missing.


  7. Hi Stefan,
    just one quick note to you. Seems you Forget to update the first two sentences in every CU Blog, since it is always the “second CU for SharePoint Server 2016 after RTM” (in june, july, August….) 😉
    Kind regards


    1. Indeed – a copy&paste error 😉
      Thanks for the heads-up!


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