Sharepoint 2013 SP1 and April CU status

I received a lot of mails with questions about the fact that SP1 for SharePoint 2013 is currently not available for download and about April 2014 CU for SharePoint 2013. So I'm trying to answer all of them here in this blog post.


Q: I tried to download SP1 but noticed that the link from your blog to download center is dead. What's going on?

A: The answer can be found in the SP1 KB articles: We have recently uncovered an issue with this Service Pack 1 package that may prevent customers who have Service Pack 1 from deploying future public or cumulative updates. As a precautionary measure, we have deactivated the download page until a new package is published.


Q: I have already installed SP1 – what does this mean to my systems?

A: First of all: NO WORRIES! As outlined in Bill Baers blog post there will be a patch to resolve the problem that prevents installing CUs and PUs on top of SP1. Currently there is no action for you aside monitoring my blog and other more official resources for further updates on this issue.


Q: I have planned to deploy SP1 and already downloaded it, before it got pulled. What should I do?

A: As outlined in Bill Baers blog post it is recommended to wait for the updated SP1 packages rather than replying the packages which got pulled.


Q: If there will be a patch, why has SP1 be pulled in the first place?

A: As outlined in the KB articles for SP1 an updated service pack package will be released which will not have the issue.


Q: Are the SharePoint with SP1 included packages (also known as "slipstream") also affected?

A: No, these packages are not affected


Q: Does the problem cause any harm – aside not being able to install future fixes on top of SP1?

A: No. It is only an issue with the patch installations. That's also the reason why the "slipstream" builds are not affected.


Q: What about April 2014 CU for SP 2013? I noticed it has been released yesterday and found a couple of fixes for SP2013 but no announcement on your blog.

A: Due to the issues with the SP1 installations most of the fixes planned for April CU have been postponed. The fixes you found are individual fixes for some components around SharePoint (e.g. FIM, Word Services,…). The so called "server" packages or "uber" packages were not released. We always recommend to install the server packages (these are the packages I announce in my CU blog posts). I will post an update as soon as more information is available.


  1. I received a lot of mails with questions about the fact that SP1 for SharePoint 2013 is currently not


  2. Currently the April 2014 CU for SharePoint 2013 is NOT AVAILABLE/RELEASED yet.

    Only a few single fixes


  3. This is really getting ridiculous. Every other patch has some QA issue! I've already started advising my clients that they should not do CUs unless absolutely necessary. Now should I advise them to wait 2-3 months before doing a SP? I really appreciate your work keeping people informed, but Dev and QA needs some help over there.


  4. Does MS even care anymore about quality or just selling SP and SQL licenses? What crap!


  5. It's hardly Stefan's fault that Microsoft blundered with this Service Pack. Instead of complaining about Microsoft here we should be grateful that one Microsoft employee (not strictly connected with the service pack) is prepared to take the trouble to itemise the situation in detail.


  6. @Mike Walsh: Thanks for your comment ! I fully agree with you. There is ABSOLUTLY NO reason to blame Stefan. He is doing a great job keeping us all in the loop ! Thanks so far to Stefan !

    Just my few cents


  7. Thanks for the update, Stefan! This is greatly appreciated!


  8. We have installed SharePoint 2013 Sp1. Do we have any date when next CU ( April CU ) or any patch to sharepoint 2013 SP1 available?


  9. Hi Ganesh, there is no date avail right now.


  10. Is windows server 2012 R2 supported for SharePoint 2013 on a clean install? Can you give a recommended OS and SP baseline stable patch level for a new production farm that's being planned out now for the next month or so?


  11. Wish I had found your blog before… I spent an entire day yesterday trying like heck to get just the prerequisties installed on a brand spanking new WS2012 R2 server…


  12. The re-release fixes this.


  13. Sharepoint 2013 sp1 released ? All bug fixes? We are on server 2008 r2


  14. I'm having problems with SP2013 and SQL 2014. I was able to download the APRIL CU, does this no longer support SQL2014? I'm having issues with configuring the Profile Sync. Should I not install the April CU. I have a new farm and I used the SP2013 sp1 slipstream install.


  15. Hi Ravi,

    April 2014 CU for Sharepoint 2013 has not been released. As I outlined the available packages are for components outside of SharePoint like FIM.

    SQL 2014 is not supported currently.



  16. Hi Stefan, thanks for sharing this valuable information.


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