I just got the information from a customer that a feature in the Telerik placeholder control can lead to broken resource links on the live site and to the following error message during authoring mode: Save Placeholder Failed———————————————————–Error Details:The current user does not have rights to edit the requested item. If you are seeing this exception […]

[Via Andrew Connell] Sahil, on his new blog, is on a tear writing quite a few detailed nuts-and-bolts articles on ASP.NET 2.0 Web Part development with focus on MOSS 2007: ASP.NET 2.0 WebPart Communication: The Preface to Sharepoint 2007 WebPart communication Writing Custom Webparts for Sharepoint 2007 Sharepoint 2007 WebParts Communication Writing custom editors for […]

After installing ASP.NET 2.0 on a box that hosts MCMS 2001 with Site Builder Refresh Site Builder Refresh will no longer work. To resolve this problem it is necessary to create a NRClient.exe.config file inside the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Content Management Server\Client directory with the following content: <?xml version =”1.0″?>  <configuration>     <startup>          <requiredRuntime version=”v1.1.4322″/> […]

A couple of customers reported problems when using the Source Control feature in VS.NET 2005 of Team Foundation Server to check in files. The MCMS product team has investigated this issue and identified this as a design limitation. MCMS 2002 was not designed to work with Team Foundation Server. MCMS 2002 was released several years […]

Together with the beta 2 of MOSS 2007 and WSS 3.0 Microsoft released a couple of nice documents and tools which should help MCMS customers to plan and prepare the migration to the new version on the SharePoint Server Migration Center Articles and Tools Assessing and Analyzing Your MCMS 2002 Application for Migration Learn to […]

[via Arpan] We announced the availability of beta 2 of Office SharePoint Server 2007 and WSS v3. If you haven’t done so already, check out the preview site where you can download/order the bits from: http://www.microsoft.com/office/preview/default.mspx In addition to making the actual product available, we’re releasing some great tools and sites: Office SharePoint Server on […]

The new IIS community site is now live on internet. Lots of great articles on IIS and especially the upcoming new release IIS 7 are available here. Have a look! www.iis.net