Brief Description
In this white paper, learn the basics of the Windows Workflow Foundation, how this technology has been integrated into both Windows SharePoint Services and the 2007 Office System, and how to benefit from workflows applied to business processes.
Businesses depend on business processes. While those processes often involve software, the most important processes in many organizations depend on people. Automating interactions among the people who participate in a process can improve how that process functions, increasing its efficiency and lowering its error rate. Using software that supports this kind of human workflow can make organizations more effective.
To support these kinds of automated business processes, Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 can run human workflow applications. Based on Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), these applications interact with people through a Web browser and, if necessary, with other software as well. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, part of the 2007 Microsoft Office system, adds more capability to workflow applications built on Windows SharePoint Services. Using this product, workflows can use custom forms created with Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 to interact with users through Office applications such as Microsoft Office Word 2007 and Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.
In this white paper, learn the basics of the Windows Workflow Foundation, how this technology has been integrated into both Windows SharePoint Services and the 2007 Office System, and how to benefit from workflows applied to business processes.
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