[via CMSWire and Andrew Connell]
Packt Publishing hit a home run with the last Microsoft CMS (MCMS) book, Building Websites with Microsoft Content Management Server. The same team of star authors is now working on the next one, entitled Advanced Microsoft Content Management Server Development….
The last bit of the article states:
There’s also a dash of InfoPath integration in the mix, but sadly so far there’s not much mention of MCMS’ Web Services capabilities.
We have one chapter dedicated to publishing with InfoPath. This approach leveraged web services heavily to communicate with MCMS from a client. So don’t let the article fool you, we cover building web services for MCMS in depth!
The article also implies something about this book covering SP2 (ASP.NET 2.0) content. Please refer to the Packt Publishing page for this book (link below) for a list of everything this book covers. MCMS 2002 Service Pack 2 wasn’t announced until TechEd USA in Orlando at the beginning of June 2005, so don’t look for it to cover that type of material, but you can expect the author’s blogs to have quite a bit of info on it afterwards! Refer to my recent posts for some SP2 info.
The same team of star authors is now working on the next one, entitled Advanced Microsoft Content Management Server Development
Oh, if you preorder the book from Packt, there’s a 25% discount! That’s a great value!
» CMSWire: New Microsoft CMS (MCMS) Book On the Way
» Book: Advanced Microsoft Content Management Server Development