I have seen several posts in the newsgroup where people suggested to use the DataSource.RawContent property to access the content of a placeholder. This method is highly not recommended! It completly bypasses the internal processing if the actual placeholder implementation which means that the content received relies on the current implementation of the placeholder. If […]

This is the first time since more than one year that I will not have internet access and will not be able to answer MCMS newsgroup questions. I hope you guys are able to survive a month without me. 😉 But I’m sure you will. On the right you can see the tour I have […]

Today I played around a little bit more with HttpModules and implemented a more elegant solution for the problem as discussed in my previous post. Especially the second problem – normal postback caused by ASP.NET controls – was not properly solved as it required to do the modification on every template file. Using an HttpModule avoids this overhead. Here […]

I received the question if it is possible to get the current active context inside a custom placeholder definition. This is not the same as within a placeholder control as a placeholder control always uses the CmsHttpContext. A placeholder can live without the CmsHttpContext (e.g. in a CmsApplicationContext). To check which mode the context is […]

Most of the sample code I have written is in C#. To get this converted to VB.NET the following tools are very useful: http://www.aspalliance.com/aldotnet/examples/translate.aspxhttp://www.kamalpatel.net/ConvertCSharp2VB.aspxhttp://www.ragingsmurf.com/vbcsharpconverter.aspx All three provide only translation from C# to VB.NET. If someone needs conversion from VB.NET to C# I found the following tools: http://w1.311.telia.com/~u31115556/desc/programs.htm#BabbelFiskenhttp://www.codeproject.com/csharp/GBVB.asp

Yesterday I received the question to add an RSS feed to one of our internal MCMS Web sites. At that moment I did not know more about RSS as that this blog has an RSS feed to be able to keep updated with my writings. 😉 So I searched for a document explaining what RSS […]

A very convenient way to achieve this but unfortunatelly not very good documented is used in the Default Console shipped with MCMS. To hide items (e.g. a Placeholder Control) in Presentation mode use the following code in your template ASPX file: <cms:AuthoringModeContainer id=”hiddenInPresentation1″ runat=”server”>…controls and html not to be shown in Presentation mode…</cms:AuthoringModeContainer> To hide items […]

Everyday is a good day to learn something new about MCMS 2002. Today I learned that lots of custom placeholder controls I and others have written are not really necessary! The same functionality can be achieved with the standard Placeholder controls and and a badly documented feature: PresentationTemplates A PresentationTemplate allows to modify the default behaviour […]

An often requested feature is a tool to create a static copy of MCMS Web site. CMS 2001 shipped the SiteStager tool which is also coming with CMS 2002 but it is limited to ASP based templates. ASP.NET based templates are not supported. Creating static copies is often very useful – e.g. when you create […]

In the public newsgroup I often see the question: “What is the URL to Stefan’s FAQ?”  The easiest way to locate the URL just go to Download Center on the Microsoft Web site and enter “Stefan” as keyword. Step-By-Step: browse to http://download.microsoft.com enter “Stefan” in the keyword field and here is the shortcut: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=1000bba1-0452-4462-90ec-48ce352b7ac7&DisplayLang=en